Electronic / Future Bass / Glitch-Hop/Electro Soul / Jazz/Funk

Agent Zero – Sound Sorcery Vol. 1 (FREE DL!!) [Dubstep//Glitch-Hop]

a2174153220_10It’s funny how more often than not, the most forward thinking music we get to post here on the site is the local stuff. Sure, big names bring out plenty of good tracks and releases, but the local guys are the one’s who we always find challenging our ear drums. Philadelphia producer Agent Zero has just released his new album, Sound Sorcery Vol. 1, and boy is it an audio treat for the mind. With a dubstep frame, Agent Zero draws further influence from glitch-hop and rock, culminating in what I dare call an eargasm. Not only is the electronic element hard at work hear, but plenty of guitar invades each track giving the album an almost jamtronica feel at times. It’s truly a feat to be taken into consideration when you remember this is all done by a single person. So let those speakers kick and let the sound sorcery take you over.

Agent Zero Soundcloud // Facebook

Agent Zero – Sound Sorcery Vol. 1 Buy Album/FREE Download!!

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